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Economics Fair

Our Economics Fair was a huge success! I was so impressed with all of the products the kiddos made. It was evident that they thought about their target customers, worked hard, and were proud of their final product. We had crowds around our table as our shoppers poured in throughout the sale. Many students realized that running a business is hard work, and that sometimes selling a product requires lots patience. After the sale, we returned to the classroom to count our money. That took a while to count all those dollar bills, quarters, dimes, and nickels! Our class alone raised $430! WOW! Third grade together raised $3,221!

While preparing for the big day, the kids worked hard to make their products and also learn our economics lessons on starting a business, supply, demand, increasing and decreasing prices, advertising, and so much more. I know it was also work for parents as many of the kiddos needed a little assistance. Thank you so much for your support with this worthwhile learning experience. I appreciate your willingness to purchase materials and assist your child. 

All of the profits from the economics fair will be donated to the World Wildlife Fund, in relation to our project based learning on conservation. They feel really good about being able to help make a difference for wildlife.


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