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February Highlights

Students participated in some "Reader's Theater" by rehearsing and performing Pecos Bill! It was fun to watch the traditional tale come to life.

We had a fun counselor lesson on managing stress.

Students made and tested out wind vanes as a part of our weather unit.

And of course, the Valentine's Day party! We started off with a card exchange. They each brought wonderful, creative boxes!

Students had so much fun enjoying the festivities!

We continued our PBL (project based learning) by writing "what would they say?" from the point of view of wildlife.

We loved learning about music therapy and the drone industry at career day! We had the chance to hear from 2 parents in our class! Thank you, parents, for volunteering your time at EEE!

Students worked collaboratively to do some math problem solving using cubes.

Student Council put on an awesome assembly to congratulate students who competed in UIL and other activities. Way to go!


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