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January Highlights

2019 is already off to a great start! We learned about natural resources, soil, 3D shapes, area, and more. We also had STEAM day, celebrated the 100th day of school, and had a weather presentation by a local meteorologist!

Part of our soil investigation involved comparing and contrasting different soils.

We went on a nature walk to locate, observe and describe some different types of natural resources.

Students constructed pyramids and prisms out of straws and pipe cleaners, and then identified the type that they created.

We experimented with weathering by conducting a "rock banging" exploration. Students discovered that weathering can contribute to the formation of soil by breaking rocks into smaller and smaller pieces!

We built parachutes as part of our STEAM day! Students used the engineering design cycle to create a parachute, and then we tested them out.

The A in STEAM stands for art, so students got to learn and draw with a local artist Ginger from the Williamson County Art Center. Interested in some art classes? Here's a flyer with information!

We also had a presentation from a local meteorologist from CBS News Austin, as our next science unit is weather! Plus, we were featured on the news! Don't worry if you missed it, you can watch the video here.


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